Lab 5: Functions

A PDF version of this document is located here.

Learning objectives:

You will make use of higher-order functions in both homework 2 and project 3, and as such the aim of this lab is to give you practice using them.

Use the following commands to download and unpack the distribution code:

$ wget
$ tar xzf starter-files.tar.gz
  1. Higher-order functions in Python. Starter code for this problem can be found in To run the doctests on your implementation:

    $ python3 -m doctest
    1. Implement the make_stringbuilder() higher-order function, which returns a "string-builder" function. A string-builder function maintains a current string, and calling the string-builder function should return the current string with the argument stringified and appended to it.

      >>> sb = make_stringbuilder()
      >>> sb('string2')
      >>> sb(100)

      make_stringbuilder() also takes an optional parameter, and if present the current string should be initialized to the string form of the argument.

      >>> sb2 = make_stringbuilder('hello')
      >>> sb2(True)

      Calling the string builder function with no parameter should return the current string.

      >>> sb2()

      Use the built-in str() constructor to stringify an object.

    2. Implement the trace() decorator in Python. The decorator takes in a function and returns a version of that function that prints information about the function call every time it is called.

      >>> @trace
      ... def func(a, b):
      ... return a + b
      >>> func(1, 2)
      func(1, 2)
      >>> @trace
      ... def bar(*args, **kwargs):
      ... print(args[0])
      >>> bar(3, 4, foo='hello', baz='world')
      bar(3, 4, foo='hello', baz='world')

      Use the built-in repr() function to stringify an argument. (See this page and this post for the differences between str() and repr().)

      Hint: for any function fn, fn.__name__ is the name of the function.

  2. Higher-order functions in Scheme. Implement the trace higher-order procedure in Scheme. Much like the trace() Python decorator, this procedure should take in a function and return a version of that function that prints information about the function call every time it is called.

    > (define (factorial n)
        (if (<= n 1)
            (* n (factorial (- n 1)))
    > (define factorial (trace factorial))
    > (factorial 5)
    (#<procedure:factorial> 5)
    (#<procedure:factorial> 4)
    (#<procedure:factorial> 3)
    (#<procedure:factorial> 2)
    (#<procedure:factorial> 1)
    > (define add (trace +))
    > (add 2 3 5 7)
    (#<procedure:+> 2 3 5 7)

    When printing out function arguments, use the write procedure instead of display. This is so that strings are printed out with quotation marks and escape sequences. For the purpose of this question, you are allowed to use define at a non-global level (since we haven't covered anonymous functions yet).

    You can use the built-in apply procedure to apply a given procedure to a list of arguments:

    > (apply + '(3 4 5))

    Starter code for this problem can be found in trace.scm. To test your implementation:

    $ plt-r5rs trace.scm > trace.out
    $ diff trace.out trace.correct
  3. Calling conventions. Consider the following code in a language with C-like syntax. Assume the print() function prints a value to standard output, that main() is the entry point of the program, and that + on strings denotes concatenation.

    void func(string arg1, string arg2) {
      arg1 = arg1 + arg2;
      arg2 = arg2 + arg1;
    int main() {
      string spam = "spam";
      string egg = "egg";
      func(spam, egg);
    1. Determine the output of the code if the language were to use call by value.
    2. Determine the output of the code if the language were to use call by reference.
    3. Determine the output of the code if the language were to use call by value-result.
    4. How many copies are done when the program uses call by value? Call by reference? What about call by value-result? (Assume the string concatenation operation doesn’t do any copies)
  4. Binding policy. Consider the following code in a language with C-like syntax. Assume the print() function prints a value to standard output and that main() is the entry point of the program.

    void foo(void (*fun)()) {
      int x = 7;
    void bar() {
      print(x + y);
    // fun is a function pointer to a function that
    // takes in another function pointer as a parameter
    void func(void (*fun)(void (*)())) {
      int y = 8;
    int main() {
      int y = 3, x = 5;
    1. Determine the output of the code if the language were to use dynamic scope with shallow binding.
    2. Determine the output of the code if the language were to use dynamic scope with deep binding.