Lab 7: Functional Data Abstraction and Memory Management

A PDF version of this document is located here.

Learning objectives:

You will make heavy use of higher-order functions and functional data abstractions in project 3, and this lab will prepare you for the work you will do for that project. You will also need to use map and apply on that project.

Because the Scheme questions in this lab require mutation, you are allowed to use procedures that mutate data such as set!, set-car!, and set-cdr!. However, you may only use define at the top (global) level.

Use the following commands to download and unpack the distribution code:

$ wget
$ tar xzf starter-files.tar.gz
  1. Map and apply. For this question, do not use recursion or iteration. Instead, use the built-in map and apply Scheme procedures.

    Write your implementation in map_apply.scm. Simple tests are included in the same file. To run the tests:

    $ plt-r5rs map_apply.scm
    1. Implement the divide-all procedure, which takes a list of items and a divisor and produces a new list that is the result of dividing each of the elements by the divisor. The following is an example:

      > (divide-all '(3 6 8 12) 3)
      (1 2 8/3 4)

      Hint: Use map along with a lambda procedure.

    2. Implement map-with-args, which takes a function, a list, and any number of additional arguments. It returns a new list that is the result of applying the function to each element in the original list along with the additional arguments. The following is an example:

      > (map-with-args append '(() (1 2) (3)) '(5) '(6 7))
      ((5 6 7) (1 2 5 6 7) (3 5 6 7))

      In this example, the result is a list consisting of the results of (append '() '(5) '(6 7)), (append '(1 2) '(5) '(6 7)), and (append '(3) '(5) '(6 7)).

      Hint: Use map along with a lambda and apply. You will need to define map-with-args as a variadic procedure.

  2. Functional pairs. Implement a mutable-pair functional data abstraction in Scheme. The mutable-pair procedure should return a new instance of a mutable-pair data structure. A mutable pair is a pair of values that can be mutated after creation.

    The mutable-pair data structure should support four operations via message passing:

    • 'first -- get the first element of the pair
    • 'second -- get the second element of the pair
    • 'set-first! -- set the first element of the pair
    • 'set-second! -- set the second element of the pair

    An example of using this abstraction:

    > (define p (mutable-pair 3 -1))
    > (p 'first)
    > (p 'second)
    > (p 'set-first! 5)
    > (p 'set-second! 7)
    > (p 'first)
    > (p 'second)

    Your implementation does not have to do any error checking (e.g. for unknown messages or a wrong number of arguments).

    Write your implementation in pair.scm. Simple tests are included in the same file. To run the tests:

    $ plt-r5rs pair.scm
  3. Functional classes. Implement a bank-account functional data abstraction in Scheme. The account procedure takes in a number and should return a new instance of a bank-account data structure whose balance is the given number.

    The bank account data structure should model a real bank account, supporting the following operations via message passing:

    • 'balance -- get the current balance of the account
    • 'deposit -- add the given amount to the balance
    • 'withdraw -- remove the given amount from the balance and return the new balance. If the user tries to withdraw more than the account balance, return "Insufficient funds".

    An example of using this abstraction:

    > (define a (account 10))
    > (a 'balance)
    > (a 'deposit 15)
    > (a 'balance)
    > (a 'withdraw 10)
    > (a 'withdraw 100)
    "Insufficient funds"

    Your implementation does not have to do any error checking (e.g. for unknown messages or a wrong number of arguments).

    Write your implementation in account.scm. Simple tests are included in the same file. To run the tests:

    $ plt-r5rs account.scm
  4. Functional inheritance. In the course notes, we saw a definition of a bank account ADT using functions and dispatch dictionaries. The following is a version of this ADT using built-in Python dictionaries:

    def account(initial_balance):
        def deposit(amount):
            new_balance = dispatch['balance'] + amount
            dispatch['balance'] = new_balance
            return new_balance
        def withdraw(amount):
            balance = dispatch['balance']
            if amount > balance:
                return 'Insufficient funds'
            balance -= amount
            dispatch['balance'] = balance
            return balance
        def get_balance():
            return dispatch['balance']
        dispatch = {}
        dispatch['balance'] = initial_balance
        dispatch['deposit'] = deposit
        dispatch['withdraw'] = withdraw
        dispatch['get_balance'] = get_balance
        def dispatch_message(message):
            return dispatch[message]
        return dispatch_message

    Implement an ADT for a checking account that is a derived version of a bank account but charges a $1 fee for withdrawal. Fill in the ADT definition for checking_account() in the file.

    Do not repeat code from account(). Instead, implement a scheme for deferring to account() where possible.

    Your implementation does not have to do any error checking (e.g. for unknown messages or a wrong number of arguments).

    To test your implementation, run the included doctests:

    $ python3 -m doctest
  5. Reference counting. Consider the following Python code. Assume that Alpha and Beta are classes defined in the library module.

    from library import Alpha, Beta
    a = Alpha() # Alpha object created
    def outer():
        b = Beta() # Beta object created
        c = a
        def inner():
            return b is c
        return inner
    # Position 1
    f = outer()
    x = f()
    # Position 2
    f = a
    # Position 3

    Suppose the Python interpreter uses reference counting (with cycle detection) to manage heap objects.

    1. What is the reference count for the Alpha object when execution reaches Position 1?
    2. What is the reference count for the Alpha object when execution reaches Position 2?
    3. What is the reference count for the Beta object when execution reaches Position 2?
    4. What is the reference count for the Alpha object when execution reaches Position 3?
    5. What is the reference count for the Beta object when execution reaches Position 3?