Lab 12: Macros and Code Generation

A PDF version of this document is located here.

Learning objectives:

Project 5 mainly focuses on code generation for a nontrivial AST, and this lab aims to help you prepare for the work you will do for that project.

For all Scheme coding questions, you must use recursion and you may not use mutation (set!, set-car!, set-cdr!, etc.).

Use the following commands to download and unpack the distribution code:

$ wget
$ tar xzf starter-files.tar.gz
  1. Query generation. In this problem, we will write Python code to generate a query to the match predicate from homework 3:

    % match(Tasks, People, Assignments).
    1. Implement prefs_to_tasks(), which converts a mapping of people to their preferences into a mapping of tasks to person/preference pairs. See the docstring for details.

      Write your implementation in To test your implementation, run the included doctests:

      $ python3 -m doctest
    2. Now complete the gen_query() function, which prints a generated query to standard out. You must use prefs_to_tasks(). You may also use the list_to_string() function, which converts a nested list structure into a single string, as in the following example:

      >>> list_to_string([['fe', 1], ['gwyn', 1]])
      '[[fe, 1], [gwyn, 1]]'

      Since the output may vary, you will need to check your results by hand. The following invokes gen_query() on a simple test case:

      $ python3
  2. Scheme macros. Implement the my-or macro in Scheme, which should behave exactly like the or library syntax:

    > (define x 0)
    > (my-or (= x 0) (/ 3 x))
    > (define x 1)
    > (my-or (= x 0) (/ 3 x))

    You may use the built-in if form in your solution.

    Write your implementation in my-or.scm. To test your implementation, run the included tests:

    $ plt-r5rs my-or.scm
  3. More code generation. Recall that in Project 3, we implemented type checking on primitive procedures. For instance, the procedures car and cdr both require their argument to satisfy the pair? predicate.

    Suppose we want to also support combinations such as cddr and cddar, which are composed versions of car and cdr. To be valid, the argument of such a combination must have a nested-pair structure. For example, the argument to cddar must satisfy the following predicate:

    (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (pair? (car x)) (pair? (cdar x))))

    In this problem, we will write Python code to generate the appropriate predicate for a c*r combination. Implement the gen_predicate() function, which takes a string composed of a's and d's. For example, we would invoke gen_predicate('dda') to obtain the predicate for cddar, which should be returned as a string (gen_predicate() should not print anything to standard out):

    >>> gen_predicate('dda')
    'lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (pair? (car x)) (pair? (cdar x))))'

    Your implementation for gen_predicate() should work on any string of length at least two that consists of a combination of a's and d's.

    Write your implementation in To test your implementation, run the included doctests:

    $ python3 -m doctest