Lab 13: Template Metaprogramming and Exam Review

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Learning objectives:

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  1. Function templates. In Python, a string can be multiplied by a non-negative integer N, which evaluates to a new string with the original string repeated N times:

    >>> 'abc' * 3
    >>> 3 * 'z'

    Write a set of overloads in mult.hpp for a mult() function in C++ that performs this string repetition when the one argument is a string and the other a non-negative integer. On the other hand, if the two arguments both have numerical type, then mult() multiplies the two arguments and returns the result. The following are examples of calling mult():

    std::cout << mult(3, 4.1) << std::endl;   // prints 12.3
    std::cout << mult("abc", 3) << std::endl; // prints abcabcabc
    std::cout << mult(3, "z") << std::endl;   // prints zzz

    Run the test cases as follows:

    $ g++ --std=c++20 mult_test.cpp -o mult_test.exe
    $ ./mult_test.exe
  2. Review of functional ADTs. Implement a stack functional data abstraction in Scheme that is created by a call to make-stack:

    > (define stack (make-stack))

    The resulting object should respond to the following messages:

    • 'push, with a subsequent item argument, pushes the item onto the top of the stack
    • 'pop removes the item that is on top of the stack and returns it
    • 'top returns the item on top of the stack without removing it
    • 'size returns the number of items in the stack

    You do not have to do any error checking. The behavior of the stack is undefined if it receives a message that does not match an item in the list above, or if it receives the 'pop or 'top messages when it is empty.

    The following is an example of using the stack created above:

    > (stack 'size)
    > (stack 'push 3)
    > (stack 'push -1)
    > (stack 'size)
    > (stack 'top)
    > (stack 'pop)
    > (stack 'top)

    Write your implementation in stack.scm. To test your implementation, run the included tests:

    $ plt-r5rs stack.scm
  3. Review of uC. The sieve of Eratosthenes is a method for computing prime numbers. Given a set that initially contains all the natural numbers starting from 2, the algorithm is as follows:

    1. Let k be the smallest number still in the set. It must be the case that k is prime, so add k to the result.
    2. Eliminate all multiples of k from the set.
    3. If any numbers remain in the set, go to step 1.

    In this problem, we will implement the sieve of Eratosthenes in uC. Our implementation will be out of place, meaning that we will produce a new array as output, without modifying the original array. We will work with arrays of integers (int[]). Write your code for all three parts in sieve.uc.

    1. First, implement the range() function. Given a start and stop value, the function returns an array that contains the values in the range [start, stop) in increasing order. Use the skeleton below.

      int[] range(int start, int stop) {
        return null; // replace with your code
    2. Next, implement the filter_not_multiple() function. Given a factor and an array of integers, it returns a new array that contains all the integers from the input array that are not multiples of the given factor, preserving their relative order. For example, filter_not_multiple(3, new int[] { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }) returns a new array containing 2, 4, 5, 7. Use the skeleton below.

      int[] filter_not_multiple(int factor, int[] numbers) {
        return null; // replace with your code
    3. Finally, use range() and filter_not_multiple() to implement the sieve() function. Given an upper bound limit such that limit >= 2, the function returns all primes in the range [2, limit), computing them using the sieve algorithm. For instance, sieve(11) returns an array containing 2, 3, 5, 7. Use the skeleton below.

      int[] sieve(int limit) {
        return null; // replace with your code
  4. Review of Prolog. For this question, you must write your code in SWI-Prolog 9.

    • You may use the built-in unification (=), negation (\+ and \=), and list operations ([, ], |).
    • You may not use disjunction (;), nor any built-in predicates.
    • You may write any helper predicates you want.
    • Your predicates do not have to be "tail recursive".
    • Your code must not have singleton variables that do not begin with an underscore.

    Write your code in

    1. Write a Prolog predicate remove that relates an item, a list, and another list that is the same as the first one but with all occurrences of the item removed. Examples:

      ?- remove(3, [3, 1, 3, 2, 3], X), !.
      X = [1, 2].
      ?- remove(4, [3, 1, 3, 2, 3], X), !.
      X = [3, 1, 3, 2, 3].

      Your code must not produce incorrect solutions if the user asks for more solutions. Recall that the findall predicate finds all solutions to a query. Then remove should be defined such that:

      ?- findall(X, remove(3, [3, 1, 3, 2, 3], X), Solutions).
      Solutions = [[1, 2]].

      Hint: You will need to use negation in your solution.

      % remove(Item, List, Result)
      % True if removing all occurrences of Item in List results in Result.
      % Item: in
      % List: in, must be a list
      % Result: in/out
      % your code below
    2. Now write a predicate remove_all that relates a list of items, a second list, and a third list that is the same as the second but with all occurrences of the items in the first list removed. Example:

      ?- remove_all([3, 1], [3, 1, 3, 2, 3], X), !.
      X = [2].

      You must use remove in your solution. You will not need negation in your code for remove_all.

      % remove_all(Items, List, Result)
      % True if removing all occurrences of the elements in Items from List
      % results in Result.
      % Items: in, must be a list
      % List: in, must be a list
      % Result: in/out
      % your code below